Restore, preserve, pass on.

In 2007, when the ASFF was founded by a group of friends, the challenge was a little crazy. Most of the fortifications in the Faulquemont sector, part of the Maginot Line, had been abandoned for several decades. They have been plundered and buried by vegetation.

Yet these pieces of concrete and steel contain a treasure: the memory of hundreds of French soldiers who, in 1939-1940, sacrificed their youth here and had to face battles of formidable intensity.

The volunteers of the Association du Secteur Fortifié de Faulquemont (Faulquemont Fortified Area Association) are now working hard to revive this forgotten but fascinating memory through a relentless programme of renovation and historical research.

Discover this History!

Yesterday and today

Since 2008, the ASFF has been renovating block 3 of the combat block of Laudrefang and landscaping the exteriors of the Téting, Einseling and Kerfent blocks.

The volunteers are working on a memorial trail that will eventually link the 5 combat blocks of the fortified area of Faulquemont.