Make a donation

Our volunteers roll up their sleeves every weekend to restore Block 3 to the look it had in 1940 and pay tribute to the men who fought on this site.

However, the elbow grease and the iron will that we are deploying are inseparable from the donations that have been made to us since 2007, which constitute the bulk of our income. Because it is your donations that finance the tools, the painting, the equipment that we acquire to advance this work and contribute to the duty of remembrance.

That is why, more than ever, we are counting on your help to safeguard and promote this heritage, the heritage of all of us.

The tool set up below allows you to make your donation via a fully secure online procedure.

Thank you!

Support us

Thanks to you, we can go further in the restoration of the fortified sector of Faulquemont, organize more events to inform. Each donation helps us a little more.